RED WAGON random, portable, vintage, changeable, blooming

ORNAMENTAL CABBAGE ruffled, vivid, unusual, sturdy, flexible

no matter
the weather
just a quick update : it is 28 and all my plants are under cover and I pulled the red wagon
under the porch eves...Texas weather!
no matter
the weather
just a quick update : it is 28 and all my plants are under cover and I pulled the red wagon
under the porch eves...Texas weather!
Oh, it's so nice to see some plants. All I see is white and grey.
I think I'm like a pansy. Sometimes vibrant, sometimes invisible, sometimes delicate, sometimes strong. Often all at the wrong times, lol.
I like the things in your garden and I want them :)
definitely the pansy!
ps- i have a postcard that i would like to send to you. would you mind emailing me your postal add? my email is burge.claire@gmail.com.
I went to the garden center (Well Lowe's, but still) yesterday and took a bunch of photos of pansies. So I loved your cheery photo. Pansies are so common I think we forget how really miraculous they are. Thanks. And thank you for commenting on some of my Flickr photos. I appreciate it.
i love pansies - their cute little faces.
very creative post.
my first instinct is to say I'm a red wagon.
Oooo, I like your obsession, too! LOL
How nice to have color in your garden.
It's so blah here. I think a grocery store bouquet is in order for me today!
Thanks for the inspiration.
I think I am a Red Wagon! How wonderful to have flowers to see outside at this time of year. Wow, definitely protect them from that cold air!
Aw how cute. I want one of those little wagons.
I always plant pansies... they seem so hardy too. I'm not sure which one I am.. depends on the cycle
I wanted to say pansy - then I saw the word vintage and knew that was me - the little red wagon...
i love all the purple! hmmm,,,, i guess that means pansies...
beautiful in any temperature !!!
{and here, it's -40 with the wind chill and there wasn't any school today}
ornamental cabbage! I walk by those every day and always always wonder what they are. Lately, I'd been thinking that they probably had a name like skunk cabbage or something. Thanks for posting the photo and the name. :)
Texas must've blown the hot air up north. It's bee in the 50's here! Happy Love Thursday!
Apparently I am a cabbage - at least today. I can't believe you can get things to grow - it is the middle of winter!! Wonderful images. =)
I love pansies; always charming and with the smile on its beautiful blossoms!
I'd like to say pansy but probably more of a cabbage these days! Gorgeous to see these when it's so grey and bleak outside - thanks!
wonderful post!
i really can't pick which one i am. many of the descriptive words in each sound like me. delicate, transparent, vintage, random, unusual, ruffled.
my husband would probably say the first. he calls me "delicate trooper". if i had to pick one, i'd say i'm ornamental cabbage.
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