DSCN7430_2703_edited-1 1.psd

smooth strength



wrought iron bent in curves with swirls . against the backdrop of greening earth and branches

small black stones curve smooth by waves wrapped in spring and sky colored twine

a3 b2abc

a wish for you . for me

to feel smooth strength this week

in iron and stone



Lisa said...

Just what I need . Thanks Elk. Love the lines , the curves the steady rock and how they relate to the coming and goings of our lives and they can weave a very nice picture if we let them. Love your blog

Happy Monday.
I wasnt getting any update from you so Im glad I found you once again.

Judy said...

Thank you my friend...that is just what I need.

Anonymous said...

love the smooth rocks
and the curves
thank you sweet friend

beth said...

thanks for the wish....i'm gong to take it and run with it :)

Becca said...

Thanks...I need some of that. Beautiful photos. :-)

Leslie said...

i love seeing the things that inspire your creations :)

mrs mediocrity said...

and sending those wonderful wishes right back to you...

Mommy Emily said...

clinging to this smooth strength, every hour, friend. thank you for loving on me. xo

S. Etole said...

The blue and black stone is stunning. You share beauty so well.

Joan Elizabeth said...

Now I love iron but I can't get over the beauty of the stones. I want to feel that smoothness.

Tracy said...

Smooth sailing for you this week, Elk... I love the elegance of this wrought iron, and the hope your stones inspire. :o) Happy Week, my friend ((HUGS))

Mrs. E said...

Smooth strength. I like that-- a lot!

Anonymous said...

I love wrought iron...nice.

Jennifer Richardson said...

smooth strength....oh how I love
the way you say
and see:):):)
thanks for shining so bright,

rachel awes said...

your rock wrapped in green took my breath away. love your smooth strength message. XOX

Gayle at Planet M Files said...

Thank you, elk. I need that this week.

rjerdee said...

Perfect good wishes...the same back to you :)

GailO said...

Thank you my dear! What beautiful stone artwork you are creating!

Anonymous said...

oh yes i need some smooth strength ... thank you dear friend. wishing you a beautiful weekend.

Mommy Emily said...

love you...

Marcie said...

Love how the wrought iron inspired and informed your work.