DSCN7430_2703_edited-1 1.psd

[shades of blue and cream ]

at home [] stitched words of encouragement with the wrens looking on


in the garden [] a circle of life played out in tiles around a table of friends


on a trip [] hands seen clasped in sculpture against a clear summer sky


in the car [] rear view mirror between drops as storms pass and miles fly



sherri said...

The colors in each image compliment one another. I particularly like the tiles. I'd like to have something like that in a garden.

spread your wings said...

the blues and creams in the set are gorgeous. for some reason i really like the rain drops.your words are so perfect and telling

Unknown said...

sporadic check in's from on the road , love love the raindrops.

Mommy Emily said...

i echo deb. LOVE the raindrops. they make heart soar.

d smith kaich jones said...

lusting for your table. lusting.


myletterstoemily said...

gorgeous photos and prose. were those
the praying hands of ORU?

the wrens are just precious.

it is always a pleasure to visit here.
thank you.

june at noon said...

Gorgeous photos. The colors just feel so happy. Love that first piece, too.

rachel awes said...

LOVE these colors
& photo collection!!
& i loved reading the
word/color "cream"...
it reminded me of being
at a wedding shower a
few days ago & the
bride to be
was given a nightie
the color of "blush".
love to you
through your lense of
gorgeous colors. xox

Country Girl said...

It's the last one that speaks to me. I spent more time riding in a car this summer than I have in a long time. Love this!

Gayle said...

I love your blues and creams!

koralee said...

You know these images make my heart sing my friend. xoxoxo

Umā said...

Beautiful color palette today Elk!

sperlygirl said...

you have such a beautiful and gifted eye

Laura said...

I love the mirror, ELK. Reminds me to glance back once in a while...

Char said...

such beautiful blues - so calm

SE'LAH... said...

simply gorgeous images here, ELK.

christina said...

the rain and your words are poetry.

mrs mediocrity said...

I love the way you paint these giant pictures in my mind with just a few photos and words. i feel like i just read a wonderful novel

Candace said...

Beautiful blues all and beautiful words.

Anonymous said...

i love the sculpture.

kt said...

i loved the last photos with the words too. I really like seeing how you get inspired by your surroundings.

Tracy said...

My heart is simply FLYING over this post, Elk! I can hear those little birds singing, the chatter of friends, faith meets the shy, and I really wish I could feel those raindrops! Happy Day, my friend :o) ((HUGS))

Anonymous said...

so pretty!

patty said...

such yummy, YUMMY yummy colors!! i know i've told you before, but i love how you link words together... that's yummy, too... :)

Kellee said...

I really love the tiles.... gorgeous arrangement and what vibrant colors!

Relyn Lawson said...

I love your quirky, odd angles. Your view of life is full of energy and joy.

Amy said...

beautiful, beautiful photos!