DSCN7430_2703_edited-1 1.psd

water . rocks . bulbs

no matter the stage...even in winter...bloom




in bowls filled with rocks paper whites grasp life
encouraging me to do the same


Anonymous said...

Very beautiful spring flowers!!
Great shots.
Forcing of paper white narcissus is a blend of flower arranging and indoor gardening.
Happy New Year!!

SandyCarlson said...

The sunlight through the petals is very nice. Beautiful.

ellen said...

what a great entry you have!wishing you all the best in 2010!

Chubskulit Rose said...

Just lovely!

Snowy flowers is my post. Have a blessed Sunday!

Anonymous said...

how beautiful!

Betsy Brock said...

Beautiful! I need to remember to get some bulbs and enjoy those blooms in the winter! It's a lovely idea.

A said...

i love the way you take the beauty you find and make it even better by adding beautiful words.

Country Girl said...

Beauty is everywhere in your world. In mine, as well.
Here's to a wonderful year to come.

S. Etole said...

your blue and white world looks very inviting and warm

eileeninmd said...

Beautiful photos, I love the paperwhites.

Eva said...

Gorgeous shots! I love all the wonderful light.

*jean* said...

o really lovely, e, i love your new header photo too!! gorgeous!!!

Marcie said...

Such beautiful blooms!!! Love the color and light!!!

Anonymous said...

Mmmm. I think I can smell the paper whites all the way up here in Canada. :)

Kellee said...

Some lovely dramatic light you have going on there! :)

beth said...


I had so many thank you's to send out after we got back home, as the mail had piled up...that I hope I sent one to you....did I ?

if not here it is.....thank you thank you thank you !

Darla said...

They are beautiful. Mine are in the garden, it'll be a while before they bloom, the leaves are quite tall though.

Memories Of Mine said...

I like the idea of you bringing them inside to enjoy.

Cindy said...

Elk, everytime I am here I am amazed by your work, simply beautiful always/

Anonymous said...

I really enjoy your art.
Thanks for sharing.

Have a blessed New Year.

koralee said...

These are lovely...perfect image for the fresh New Year!xoox

Sharon said...

Very cool shots! Love the light.

Mrs. E said...

I needed these shots today!

Caroline said...

Gorgeous! Let them encourage you on!

AscenderRisesAbove said...

very nice; love the rich deep colors and dark shadow work.

puna said...

I love the flower. We have an amarylis in the bathroom that grows four inches a day. My husband says it's a man eating plant!

Suvarna said...

Oh! I love Paperwhites! but due to their strong smell I can't have them in my home, thanks for this gorgeous glimpse. Hope your grad plans go well, all the best for the new year.

Pugelicious said...

Such beautiful flowers. I like the words too.

Anonymous said...

Your images never disappoint, always amaze. Beautiful.

Toni said...

You are such a poet, with words and image. Well done.

Ange said...

Poetic and beautiful... quite simply breathtaking ELK!

Joan Elizabeth said...

They look fabulous grown that way, I've never done that type of thing ... I think you've inspired me to give it a go.

Gayle at Planet M Files said...

These images are breathtaking.

Jewels said...

Love the brightness in these!

breathe as me said...

mmm... so so beautiful to be reminded of life in the middle of the season of dying off...

MedaM said...

Oh, what beautiful photos of really lovely white flowers! Lovely, indeed!

MaryAnn Ashley said...

Encouraging me too Elk!

Anonymous said...

so beautiful, holding the promise of spring in winter!

Seth said...

Wonderful images. And your words speak volumes too! A very happy and healthy 2010 to you.

Relyn Lawson said...

Ours have not grown much yet. Of course, we bought ours half off at Target after Christmas.

Toni said...

Hello! Thank you so much for dropping by my new blog, 100 photos. Your guest post on Shutter Sisters was very inspiring to me, as you probably already know :)

Renee Howell said...

lovely. simple. inspiring. thank. you.

Char said...

beautiful shot - i love paperwhites

sherri said...

I love these kind of plants, but can't grow them. Obviously you don't have that problem:-)

Anonymous said...

The first image with the sunlight streaming through the flowers is gorgeous. They look like daffodils or jonquils.

magpie said...

ah the light!

Vicky said...

The last one speaks to me because of the way the light makes part of the flowers translucent and the rest appear to be waiting in the shadows :)

SE'LAH... said...

simply beautious!


d smith kaich jones said...

I forgot to publish my comment, but it was all good stuff! :)


larkswing said...

Happy New Year! Thanks for the wonderful pictures of you paper whites. Every year, when I see pictures of paper whites in great containers - I always think, I really need to plant some next year - what a great pick me up to see those blooms! Then I forget... so glad you plant them AND share great photos of them!

Elizabeth Halt said...

it still amazes me that they do so! how on earth do they bloom without soil. just amazing.

DeniseinVA said...

All your photos are lovely! Thanks for sharing them.

Operaton You said...

Something about those glasses that stirs me inside... Don't know what it is but it's something.. As usual thank you for sharing and stirring me up inside.

Jeanne Frances Klaver said...

These are my Christmas favorites. I try to give them to people who aren't aware of them so I can watch the surprise on their face as they bloom.

meandering pearl said...

every post i love, a little thought remembered... but especially the flowers!!! sending abundant wishes for your year ahead!!!

Relyn Lawson said...

Here I am a month later, mine still haven't bloomed. But, your amazing image still makes me happy.